Exported orders are created in Rebar Data Exchange (RDX) format. Based on your options (see below), orders exported together may be included in a single RDX file, or you may create separate files for each order. 

To export orders:

  1. Open Export: On the Order Entry screen, click Tools . On the Left Menu, select Export.
    The aSa Export screen displays.
  2. In the Settings field, select the setting scheme you want to use for the current export session.
    Manually set up Export Options, described below. 
    HINT: You can save and re-used your export settings. Refer to Saving and Reusing Settings.
  3. In the selection grid, check to select the orders that you want to export.
    You may sort or filter grid data. Refer to Working with Grids for additional information.
  4. Click Proceed .
    Depending on your browser, the file(s) may be automatically saved to your Downloads folder or you may be prompted to select a destination folder for the file(s).
  5. If desired, attach the export file(s) to an e-mail and send it to a fabricator or other destination.