Use Options to determine how the system should handle certain issues or scenarios during the import.

HINT: For additional information, refer also to Saving and Reusing Settings.

Control Code is not valid

If the control code assigned the order is not valid, do you want to:

  • Auto Increment - automatically assign the next available valid control code.
  • Cancel - stop the import. 

Control Code is reserved. Use it anyway?

If the control code being imported has been reserved for a specific detailer:

  • Cancel - stop the import.
  • Auto Increment - automatically assign the next available valid control code that isn't reserved.
  • Yes - import the control code.

Require Target Enterprise Control Code length

If the control code being imported has more or less characters than the number of control code characters permitted for your enterprise:

  • No - Allow the order to imported
  • Yes - Do not allow the order to be imported; it must be renamed to have the specified number of characters first

Release already exists for the job

If the order being imported has a release number that already exists for the associated job:

  • Cancel - do not import the order that has the pre-existing release number.
  • Auto Increment - assign the next available release number to the order.

Assign new order

  • Yes - Assign a new order ID to the order being imported.
  • No - Import with the current order ID.

Order is not valid

If the order ID assigned the order is not valid, do you want to:

  • Auto Increment - automatically assign the next available valid order number.
  • Cancel - stop the import. 

Require Reason Code

  • Yes to require that all lines on the order(s) have a reason code.
  • No if reason code is not required. 

Building Code ID or Version does not exist

  • Use default - use the default building code and version defined for the destination system.
  • Cancel - stop the import

Allow Shapes with No Pictures to be Added

  • No -  Shapes without pictures will not be added and the order will cancel/not import if any exist. 
  • Yes - Set Order Status to "Incomplete" -  The order will be imported if it includes shapes without pictures, but the order status will be set to incomplete. 
  • Yes - Set Order Status to "Open" -  The order will be imported if it includes shapes without pictures, but the order status will be set to open. 

Import with Validation Errors

The system has the ability to validate shape information so that geometry and values are correct for bent items being imported.   

  • Yes - ignore shape validation errors. Shape information imports "as is" even though it may be incorrect based on defined shape rules. 
  • No - Do not ignore validations. The import will stop if the data being imported cannot be validated. 

Sloping Leg Fails Validation

  • Recalculate Vertical witness -  if any slope errors occur on a shape, recalculates the vertical dimension and revalidates. 
  • Recalculate Horizontal witness -  if any slope errors occur on a shape, recalculates the horizontal dimension and revalidates. 
  • Do not Recalculate -  do not recalculate and the order will fail if Import with Validation Errors isn’t set properly. 

Radius Leg Fails Validation

  • Recalculate Chord Height and Chord Length -  if any radial errors occur on a shape, recalculate the chord height & length and revalidates. 
  • Do Not Recalculate -  do not recalculate and the order will fail if Import with Validation Errors isn’t set properly. 

Cut Length Longer than Mill Length

If the order contains a bar that is longer than the defined mill length:

  • Ignore - import the item as is and continue.
  • Cancel - stop the import.

Use existing shape when match is found

If a shape on the order has the same geometry as a shape in the destination database, do you want to import the shape or use the existing shape:

  • Yes - use the existing database shape for the import.
  • No - use the shape in the import file; do not use the existing matched database shape.

Clear Scheduling Dates

If the order being imported contains production and/or delivery dates, do you want to clear or keep them?

  • Yes - Clear scheduling dates from the import file; new dates will be assigned as needed.
  • No - Keep assigned scheduling dates in the file.  

Retain Product Description from the Import File

This option prevents Import from overwriting the product description for the line item with the description from the product in the imported studio instance. The user can change this value at the line item level, so it maintains the value they entered. 

  • Yes - keeps the description from the file and does not use the one from the product in the database.
  • No - uses the description from the product in the database and not the one from the file. 

Default Order Status

Select a default status to apply to imported orders:

  • Open
  • Incomplete

Ship Address is Not Valid

A ship address is invalid if there is a missing country, postal code, city, state, postal code, or a missing postal-city-state-country combination.

  • Cancel -  will stop the order from importing.
  • Ignore - Set Order Status to "Incomplete" - sets the order status to incomplete. 
  • Use Job's Address -  uses the job’s address.  

Use Job's Shipping Contact

  • Yes - uses the job’s shipping contact.
  • No - uses the shipping contact.
  • Only if file contains a blank contact - uses the job’s shipping contact when the shipping contact in the file is blank. 

Use Rebar Bundle Weights from Import File

  • Yes - Use bundle weights from the import file.
  • No - Use whatever is in the RDX file, provided it is greater than zero.