
The Quantity field is set to duplicate:

  • You enter a line with a Quantity of 12, then save the line.
  • 12 automatically displays in the Quantity field for the next line.

The Section field is set to increment:

  • You enter a line with the Section S1, then save the line.
  • S1 automatically displays in the Section field for the next line.


Most fields that aren't view only can be set to duplicate.

  • Duplicate actions automatically use the value from the line above your current position, regardless of whether you are entering new lines at the bottom of the order or you are in Insert mode.
  • Line Defaults and Customize Line Entry can both be used to automatically insert a value into a field. If a line default and a duplicate action are applied to the same field, the line default is ignored and the duplicate value from the previous line is used.

Plan and Section increment using the following logic:

  • The incremental value is based on the line above your current position.
  • The numerical portion of the value uses the next available integer. Examples: If the previous entry is PL1, then the next entry is PL2, PL3, etc. If the previous entry is SEC, then the next entry is SEC1, SEC2, etc.

Bar Mark increments using the following logic:

  • If the option to use auto-mark is turned on as described in Engineering Defaults, the auto-mark value is used and the Customize Line Entry option is ignored.
  • Bar marks must end in a number to auto-increment. For example, enter the mark 5A001, then set auto-increment. The next mark will be auto-assigned 5A002.
  • The incremental value is based on the last bar mark entered, regardless of your current position in the order.