A kit template is simply a list of fabricated items that make up a kit. 

  • Use the Order Entry screen to define kit templates.
  • Kit templates are required for products that require fabrication, such as cut and bent reinforcing. Kit templates are not required for off-the-shelf items such as hard hats or pre-manufactured mesh sheets.

To create a kit template:

  1. In Inventory Transactions, click Kit Template Order Entry. The Order Entry screen launches with Order Type > Kit Template selected.
    Open Order Entry. In the Order Type field, select Kit Template.
  2. In the Template field, click + to assign an ID to the template or type in a unique identifier. 
  3. Enter a Description
  4. Use Engineering Defaults to set up Units, Building Standards, and other settings required for order entry.
  5. Use the Line Entry screen to enter material, just like you would for any other order. 
  6. When you are finished listing material, click Finish to save. 

To add a kit template to kit product:

  1. Set up the product as described in Defining a Stock Kit or Defining a BTO Kit.
  2. In the Components grid, simply select the desired kit. 
    HINT: Click the Expand arrow to view the individual bars or products in the kit template.