In this method, you:

  • Create and blank load.
  • Populate the load by adding orders or items.

To create a load:

  1. Set up the desired grid and calendar options as described in Working with the Scheduling Screen.
  2. Select Load Building from the Scheduling pull-down.
  3. Select the  fabricating location and desired ship date.

  1. Click New Load .
  2. The Load Screen displays. 

  1. In the Load field, click Add to assign a new load identifier or type a unique identifier for the load. 
  2. Use the remaining fields to set up basic load information.

Note: For a complete overview and field descriptions, refer to Load Building Screen Overview.

  1. Click OK to save the load and clear the screen; you can then create another new load if desired.
    The load(s) display in the right panel.

*** Add material to your load(s) ***

  1. In the Scheduling grid:
    • Click to select one or more orders.
    • Expand an order and click to select one or more tags.
  1. In the Load Building pane, click on a Load Number to assign material to that load.

    The system automatically builds delivery stops for you. Refer to Working with Delivery Stops.