Field Placing
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Field Placing

aSa Field Placing helps you to easily manage all of your rebar placing data, from the initial estimate to the last bar installed at the jobsite. You’ll always know how much you’ve shipped, how much you’ve installed, and how many hours your placing crew worked.

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Forget confusing spreadsheets

Field Placing gives you the tools to estimate, record, and track field placing data in one integrated system.

Eliminate duplicate data entry

Field Placing instantly accesses information from aSa estimating, detailing, and shipping applications, so you don’t have to enter values in multiple disconnected systems.

Throw away sloppy, hand-written forms

aSa generates professional-quality reports with all the information you need to see the current status of each placed structure and update your weekly totals.

Get key information at a glance

The heart of the system is the Weekly and Job to Date Listing, an easy-to-read report that shows weight and percent placed totals for the current week and for the entire project together on one page.
Solution Details

Companies that provide rebar installation services face unique challenges in managing their business critical data. aSa Field Placing helps you to easily manage all of your rebar placing information, from the initial estimate to the last bar installed at the jobsite. You’ll always know how much you’ve shipped, how much you’ve installed, and how many hours your placing crew worked.




The weekly reports from aSa Field Placing provide tremendous oversight over our field operations and allow us to address problem areas in almost real time


Scott Clymire
Whitacre Engineering Company





Take the Tour


Scroll through the screens below to explore just a few of the many benefits of aSa Field Placing.



Categorize estimate takeoff based on placing characteristics.

Categorize estimate takeoff based on placing characteristics.

Allocate estimated installation hours for each placing code.

Allocate estimated installation hours for each placing code.

Each week, record percent placed and installation hours.

Each week, record percent placed and installation hours.

Web application lets you easily update placing information from the jobsite.

Web application lets you easily update placing information from the jobsite.

Weekly and Job to Date Report

Weekly and Job to Date Report

Powerful report gives you a comprehensive picture of the installation in progress.







About Us

aSa is the world’s leading provider of software for the reinforcing steel industry. Additionally, aSa develops specialized software for other construction-related markets, including precast concrete product manufacturers, concrete contractors, general contractors, architects, and engineers.

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please contact us, and we'll be glad to help.